Monday, February 27, 2006

Six Perfect Hours

Six perfect hours has ended
Opened ended; five months later
My heart lays exposed; my walls crumpled

Beauty lies heavy in the air the way sex does
Two people stripping down each others defenses
Erasing time
Building a world that exists wholly onto itself

A special point in time that captures every other moment
Nothing else can be built
Timing can not be manufactured

Reliving each frame as time slips by
Questioning words spoken serves no purpose
Silences are more fraught with meaning

Interpreting meaning is useless
For feeling is deep, deeper and stiller; glossed
A lake’s surface on a calm day

Perfection has no value
Other than what life takes as what's due
The toll as left me shattered
I would not change it as the reward has shifted us both

Take six hours and press it into tissue
Siena, the picture, that must be become a memory
Moments, sometimes, remain moments
Detours make the traveling too difficult

Six hours, a time warp in my mind
A merry-go-round that I keep hopping onto
Ending up not exactly where I started

My heart has deepened; meaning been gained
Dreams I had; you re-ignited; I work towards again
Sadness will not dwell here long
Holding onto to what’s reborn forever

September 17, 2004

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