Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ever and Now

If ever there was
If there ever could be
Without me
My ever will never see

Ever not to plan
Ever unfolds in the sands
Ever comes from now
Now to the future, will not bow

Now I will not forget
Now, what will become of it
Now is; in the now
Ever to those behind somehow

Ever is not what I dream
Now in the ever seam
Ever becomes a fantasy
The now is just a part of me

November 04,2000

Monday, February 27, 2006

Six Perfect Hours

Six perfect hours has ended
Opened ended; five months later
My heart lays exposed; my walls crumpled

Beauty lies heavy in the air the way sex does
Two people stripping down each others defenses
Erasing time
Building a world that exists wholly onto itself

A special point in time that captures every other moment
Nothing else can be built
Timing can not be manufactured

Reliving each frame as time slips by
Questioning words spoken serves no purpose
Silences are more fraught with meaning

Interpreting meaning is useless
For feeling is deep, deeper and stiller; glossed
A lake’s surface on a calm day

Perfection has no value
Other than what life takes as what's due
The toll as left me shattered
I would not change it as the reward has shifted us both

Take six hours and press it into tissue
Siena, the picture, that must be become a memory
Moments, sometimes, remain moments
Detours make the traveling too difficult

Six hours, a time warp in my mind
A merry-go-round that I keep hopping onto
Ending up not exactly where I started

My heart has deepened; meaning been gained
Dreams I had; you re-ignited; I work towards again
Sadness will not dwell here long
Holding onto to what’s reborn forever

September 17, 2004

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Soothing, the music caresses the soul the way water fills me, washes me in calm
Hearing the refrain brings a memory that sees, feels, and smells
Deep Blue Something’s song brings a laundry line, a guitar and man’s voice
Reminding me of a carefree girl that just found that the world is a jewel
A promise and a secret that belongs to her and anyone else who would seek it
Delight surrounds the air, dancing along the gentle breeze wafting with the notes of a cheap guitar

Memory is sealed some 10 years after, fossilized in the breast like the secret that cannot be told
Carrying the world on shoulders that know the sunlight touches life differently than it once did
Recollections and visits to the ocean redeem the choices
No longer is the world alight with infinite possibilities
A life and a direction now built knows what road was not taken
Wonderings at what else life could have held, better or worse, are only reflections

Yet, Blue Skies sings away maudlin ramblings and brings sunshine back into focus
I hear the choruses in certain moments and wish for the moment that life could be sung
Like an old Hollywood musical or a Broadway show, I would break out into song instead of speaking
Maybe I would tap or dance my way through periods of life
Seemingly others have at times expressed the moment more eloquently than I
I could stitch together the lyrics and sing my thoughts out

Seeing old friends brings to mind again that this instant is but a flash
Maybe the course is not set and possibilities are still alight in my mind
Sun arises again, and again I am washed by its light
The air is now cleaner and I breathe deep the chances that are offered to me
Being reminded that change comes constantly and consistently
Change evolves the mind making it sharper, kinder, and more aware

Taking moments such as these, spinning them around in the mind to see their refractions of light
Hold all these thoughts close to the heart and let them nourish my sometimes-deprived soul
From here I can take the next step into the next moment because I walk on a foundation
That step is where I can test my wings and feel the glory of wind as it rushes and lifts
It is a scary instant when progressing into the future because only hindsight is perfect
Yet I know I would be bereft of all the flights my soul is destined to take between here and eternity

Maybe the flight has a different tenor and resonance than the reckless flights before
Appreciating the scenery as well as the flight becomes a priority for the senses
Every granule is as important as the whole even though synergy makes the picture
Every heartbeat is unlocked, unfrozen and beats with renewed vigor
From above the water, the wind and land below still soothe me; making for an easy landing

February 1, 2004